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What Do you Meme?: Family Edition

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What Do You Meme?
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$24.89 $9.96

( You save:  $14.93)

Number of Players 3-20
Playtime 30-90 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) N/A
Publisher What Do You Meme?

The best-selling game — NOW FOR FAMILIES! The hilarious game you know (and love), with all the pesky R-rated content removed for some family-friendly fun.

THE NAME OF THE GAME: Here’s how it works — compete with your family and friends to create the funniest memes. Do this by using one of your caption cards that are dealt to you to caption (get it?) the photo card in each round. WHO WILL BE CROWNED THE MEME QUEEN/KING: The winner of each round is decided the selection made by a rotating judge. Pro tip: pick your caption card to match the judge’s specific sense of humor. Extra pro tip: Make sure the judge shuffles up the cards for anonymity. WHAT’S INSIDE: Each What Do You Meme - Family Edition game contains 64 photo cards and 300 caption cards.
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