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The Color Monster

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$34.89 $13.96

( You save:  $20.93)

Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 25 Min
Suggested Ages 3+
Designer(s) Josep M. Allué, Dani Gómez
Publisher Devir

Players in The Color Monster will collaborate to help the Monster figure out his emotions. In turns, they will roll the die that allows them to move the Monster around the board. When the Monster heads to a space with an emotion token, the player can pick it up and look for the right jar. Jars are all placed on shelves with their colors hidden. If the player chooses the jar which matches the color of the emotion, then they can place the emotion token into the jar. Otherwise, the jar goes back on the shelf as it was. In order to pick up an emotion token, players will have to explain a memory or a situation in which they feel like the emotion they are picking up (Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Fear or Calm). Players can lose the game if the Monster gets too confused and they flip over too many mixed emotion jars, or win the game when the emotions are all placed in their correct jars.

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