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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Fluxx

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Looney Labs
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$19.99 $8.00

( You save:  $11.99)

Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 10-40 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Andrew Looney
Publisher Looney Labs

The DS-9 Edition of Fluxx.

Explore the deepest reaches of the universe in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Fluxx! Work alongside Benjamin Sisko, Quark, Jadzia Dax, Worf and all your other favorite space station people while you attempt to gather Gold-Pressed Latinum and study the Wormhole, but watch out for nasty Surprises and Creepers like the Founders and the Jem'Hadar!

Fluxx is an uncertain game, SO play your cards right.

With the basic rule of draw one card, play one card, the game begins easy enough. More complex rules enter the game depending on the cards you draw. Basic Fluxx gameplay has remained the same, but the flexibility of the cards has led to some amazing collaborations and themes from Firefly, to general science, to Batman and beyond.

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