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Poetry for Neanderthals: More Cards Box 1

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Exploding Kittens
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$19.89 $7.96

( You save:  $11.93)

Number of Players 2-12
Playtime 15 Min
Suggested Ages 7+
Designer(s) Elan Lee
Publisher Exploding Kittens
Base Game Poetry for Neanderthals

More Cards Box 1 is the first expansion for Poetry for Neanderthals.

Poetry for Neanderthals is a competitive word-guessing game where you can only give clues by talking in single syllables. So, instead of saying "broccoli," you would say something like "green thing you eat for live long and have good health." If you mess up and use a big word, such as "vegetable," you will get bopped on the head with a NO !Stick and you lose points.

The aim of the game is to score the most points by correctly interpreting words and phrases. The selected Poet starts off the game with a Poetry Card and tries to get their teammates to say the listed word, using only words with one syllable within a 90-second time limit.

The box includes 500 new double sided cards. That’s 2000 additional new words and phrases to use with Poetry for Neanderthals.

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