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Meadow Cards & Sleeves Pack

Out of stock
Rebel Studio
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$12.89 $5.16

( You save:  $7.73)

Number of Players 1-4
Playtime 60-90 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Klemens Kalicki
Publisher Rebel Studio
Base Game Meadow

Take care of your Meadow and protect it with these special card sleeves! The set comes with 300 transparent sleeves in Meadow cards size, providing protection from dirt, moisture and loss of color. In addition, there is an envelope with 6 cards as a mini-expansion to the game!

This Cards & Sleeves pack is a language independent expansion for Meadow.

What is Meadow?

Meadow is a board game where players take the role of wanderers watching nature. Equipped with a map, they stroll through the picturesque surroundings, searching for inspiration and capturing breathtaking views. Players are driven by curiosity and passion, but also by competition for the title of the keenest nature observer! It will be awarded to whoever gets the most points from the observed species of animals and plants, landscapes and souvenirs collected from the hike. Competition continues by the fire, where players will compete in achieving the goals of their expeditions.

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