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Massive Darkness

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$129.89 $51.96

( You save:  $77.93)

Number of Players 1-6
Playtime 120 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Raphaël Guiton, Jean-Baptiste Lullien, Nicolas Raoult
Publisher CMON

Massive Darkness adds the classic fantasy RPG experience to modern board gaming, with an action-packed campaign chock full of gorgeous miniatures and a streamlined system that keeps the focus on the heroes' actions, with no need for a game master to control the enemies.

Using the popular Zombicide system as a starting point, Massive Darkness introduces all the richness of a dungeon crawl RPG. Select your hero, choose a class, decide on which skills to spend your XP, and get loot by searching the dungeon or killing special enemies that can use the equipment against you! Face a variety of different enemy types, coming in all shapes and sizes, whose behavior is resolved automatically...or you can try to sneak around enemies by taking advantage of dark areas of the map.

Players start their adventure in Massive Darkness by picking a Hero – each with two special starting skills – and pair them with a Class of their choosing. Depending on the combination, another skill can be unlocked, giving players a wide variety of choices and play styles. In Massive Darkness, the created Heroes will go on Quests, killing monsters, collecting loot, and gaining XP. Players will spend their XP to unlock new Skills, growing more powerful as the Quest progresses.

Throughout the game, players will encounter different monsters, including Minions, Agents, Roaming Monsters, and Bosses. An unique mechanism of this game is the Guardian. Any of the monster types have a chance of spawning as a Guardian, meaning it will use a random piece of equipment in the fight against the Heroes. However, if players are able to overcome this difficult encounter, they will obtain that piece of loot!

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