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Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game - Fantastic Four: Under Siege

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$64.89 $25.96

( You save:  $38.93)

Number of Players 1-6
Playtime 60 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Fabio Cury, Michael Shinall
Publisher CMON
Base Game Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game, Marvel Zombies: X-Men Resistance

Containing Super Heroes, Zombie Heroes, and Bystanders tied to Marvel’s First Family, this expansion takes the action from the ground floor all the way to the roof of the Baxter building, in a unique floor-by-floor board setup that allows players to run this deadly gauntlet in order to secure Reed Richard’s fantastic technology! This unique location will be explored over several new scenarios for both Hero and Zombie Modes.

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