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Marrying Mr. Darcy (Second Edition)

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Evensen Creative
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$39.89 $15.96

( You save:  $23.93)

Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 30-60 Min
Suggested Ages 13+
Designer(s) Erika Svanoe
Publisher Evensen Creative

Marrying Mr. Darcy is a role-playing game where players take on the role of one of the female characters from Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice. Players will work to improve themselves and become more desirable as potential wives for the available Suitors. The ladies do this by attending Events and improving their Characters, but advantage can also be gained by the use of Cunning. All of their efforts are in hopes of securing the husband that make them the most satisfied character at the end of the game.

Game play is split into two stages: the initial Courtship Stage and the concluding Proposal Stage.

The Courtship Stage is when players try to increase their Heroine’s chances of happiness by earning points playing Character Cards, and acquiring or playing Cunning Cards. Character Points will help you to attract Suitors, and also count toward your total number of Character points at the end of the game.Cunning Points do not count towards your building your Character. However, the Heroine who has acquired the most Cunning will be the first player to enter the Proposal Stage later in the game, putting them at a significant advantage.

The Proposal Stage starts when Event Cards have been played. In this stage, players roll to see which Suitor proposes to them, decide if they will marry them, and calculate their final score.

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