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$13.89 $5.56

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Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 20 Min
Suggested Ages 6+
Designer(s) Sophia Wagner
Publisher Helvetiq

In this hand-management and risk-taking game, you're playing ring-tailed lemurs living on the island of Madagascar.
Your aim: collect as many prickly pears as possible.

Every turn, players must choose 1 of 3 actions: play a card, draw or take a risk. The card played must be equal or higher than the previous one. Playing high cards give you more points, but it will also end the round faster, to your advantage or the one of your opponents.

If special cards can assist you, they will definitely surprise the others and bring interaction.
 Players win prickly pears at the end of every round, unless they lost it.

Game ends when a player has collected 5 cards.

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