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King of Tokyo/New York: Monster Pack – Anubis

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Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$11.89 $4.76

( You save:  $7.13)

Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 30 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Richard Garfield
Publisher IELLO
Base Game King of Tokyo

It is coming for you! While rampaging through a history museum, you by accident step on a sarcophagus, causing Anubis to appear, intent on avenging the profaned mummy. Can you escape the fury of the God of the Dead as he showers curses on the town?

The Anubis Monster Pack is suitable with the King of Tokyo and King of New York base games, and with all their expansions.

The Anubis Monster Pack brings a new game component, in the form of the die of Fate! You can use the die of Fate in your games even if you play without Evolution cards or are not playing with Anubis.

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