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KeyForge: Mass Mutation

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$27.99 $11.20

( You save:  $16.79)

Number of Players 2
Playtime 15-45 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Richard Garfield
Publisher Fantasy Flight Games

Change has arrived to the Crucible with the Mass Mutation set for the world’s only Unique Deck Game, KeyForge. Over 200 brand-new cards for the cardpool in the game’s fourth set, and the mutative power of the dark æmber has changed many of them, making strange and unknown versions of once-familiar creatures. As gigantic creatures stretching across 2 cards lumber their way into battle, and House Sanctum brings its triumphant return, there has never been a more impactful time to leap into the quick-paced duels of KeyForge.

Each Mass Mutation 2 Player Starter Set has 2 ready-to-play 36-card decks, bringing together 3 of the diverse Houses of the Crucible—each with their own mix of cards and unique from every other Archon Deck in existence. You'll also find all of the tokens needed for 2 players to start playing KeyForge!

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