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Indiana Jones: Sands of Adventure

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Funko Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$32.89 $13.16

( You save:  $19.73)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 45 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Prospero Hall
Publisher Funko Games

Your time is running out! It is up to Indiana Jones and his friends to rescue the Ark of the Covenant before it falls into the wrong hands! Scour ancient Tanis to locate the elusive relic, while building up your strength and resources — but if the sand timer suddenly swings over, it triggers a race to survive! Fight the scheming Colonel Dietrich, the dangerous Major Toht, and the ruthless Dr. René Belloq to save the Ark.

In Indiana Jones: Sands of Adventure, a game of co-operative strategy and quick card playing, players will work together to defeat different villains before the timer runs out by moving characters, playing cards, upgrading tiles, and attacking enemies.

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