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Horrified: Greek Monsters

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$46.89 $18.76

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Number of Players 1-5
Playtime 60 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Michael Mulvihill
Publisher Ravensburger

Pandora's Box has been opened, and Greece's most notorious monsters have been set free.

Horrified: Greek Monsters is a standalone title that features gameplay similar to 2019's Horrified. In this co-operative game, players will become avatars of the Greek gods and must work together to re-capture these monsters.

To do that, they must first locate the monsters' lairs. Chimera, Medusa, Cerberus, and Minotaur are hidden in locations that must be discovered: the Statue Garden, Underworld Door, Chimera's Cave, and Labyrinth. Similar to the myths that inspired the game, uncovering the lairs comes with a cost: Players must discard three color items before the lair token can be flipped over to reveal which monster's hideout they have discovered.

Horrified: Greek Monsters comes with six monsters, each with unique abilities, and the more monsters in the game, the harder the challenge, with players needing to use their unique powers to figure out how to defeat each monster.

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