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Haunt the House

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Kids Table Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$34.89 $13.96

( You save:  $20.93)

Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 30-40 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Josh Cappel, Helaina Cappel
Publisher Kids Table Board Games

In Haunt the House, players are ghosts competing to scare Ghost Hunters out of the various Rooms of our haunted house, and collecting their exploration gear as trophies. Each Ghost Hunter is scared only by a specific combination of Scares. Each player has a hand of Scares they use to try and get those Ghost Hunters out!

On your turn, pick one of two things; Play Scares, or call BOO! When you Play Scares, you may play them face down to a Ghost Hunter (so that other players won't know what you have played), or face up (which gives other players information, but allows you to activate the awesome power of the Room that Ghost Hunter is in.)

When you call BOO!, point to a Ghost Hunter and reveal any facedown Scares, then (if more Scares are required and if you have them) add Scares from your hand to finish off the Ghost Hunter. Congratulations... you have scared out that Ghost Hunter and grab their gear for your collection!

At the end of the game, the ghost who has gathered the most valuable sets of gear wins the game!

The experienced version of the game adds a variety of Phantoms; helpful allies that you can play to activate game-changing powers.

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