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Sale Sold Out

Happy Salmon

Out of stock
dV Giochi
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$16.89 $6.76

( You save:  $10.13)

Number of Players 3-6
Playtime 2 Min
Suggested Ages 6+
Designer(s) Ken Gruhl, Quentin Weir
Publisher dV Giochi

Happy Salmon is a simple, ultra-quick, very silly card game.

There are no turns in the game. Players will call out the action shown on their cards as fast as they can. When two players match, they celebrate by performing the action. Actions include the classic "High 5", the unifying "Pound It", the frantic "Switcheroo", and the amusing and bizarre "Happy Salmon".

Each time players celebrates a match, they quickly discard a card. The first person to get rid of all their cards wins the game.

The "FIN-tastically" unique and cute fish pouch makes Happy Salmon perfect to bring along to camp, vacation or if you are just traveling upstream.


  • 2016 ASTRA Best Toy for Kids Winner
  • 2017 TOTY Game of the Year nominee
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