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Go Go Gelato!

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Blue Orange Games
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$24.99 $10.00

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Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 15 Min
Suggested Ages 6+
Designer(s) Roberto Fraga
Publisher Blue Orange Games

Using four cones, three scoops, two hands and one challenge card in Go Go Gelato!, players want to scoop their way to victory as quickly as they can.

To begin the game, each player takes four cones (one of each color) and three scoops of gelato (in three of the four colors), then places those scoops in the matching cones. Someone reveals a challenge card, then everyone races to move the right scoops into the right cones — all without dropping the scoops or touching them by hand. No one wants to eat that! Fulfill the order first, and you get the challenge card. Whoever collects five challenge cards first wins the game!

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