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Number of Players 1-6
Playtime 5-20 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Ellen Burns-Johnson, Mark LaCroix, Dale Lynn LaCroix, Stephen McGregor
Publisher Indie Boards & Cards

Rewrite the Phrase, while following the Rule, in order to meet the Goal!

Glom, from the hosts of Nice Games Club, is a rapid-paced, quick-witted game of ridiculously reworded remarks. Every round, a common phrase is revealed that players will have to rewrite, according to a random rule, in order to achieve a random goal.

How do you say "Who ate the last cookie?" without using any words more than four letters long? How many vowels can you stuff into a new version of "Better late than never" without using any double-letters?

A hilarious game that will push vocabulary to the brink of insanity, with an objective (but unpredictable!) scoring system.

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