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Fired Up

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$67.89 $27.16

( You save:  $40.73)

Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 45-90 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Giorgos Eleftheriadis, Theofilos Koutroubis
Publisher Drawlab Entertainment

In the near future, entertainment will change. It will have grown beyond traditional sports in stadiums and into a larger than life spectacle where digital warriors will compete against one another inside the cyberspace arena in bloodless conflict sports.

In this futuristic environment is where Fired Up takes place. In this game the players are not the fighters! They are spectators with premium seats to the biggest spectacle of all time. Their premium seats make it possible for spectators to influence the digital athletes in the Arena and bet on their champions in the fight.

Every round the players roll dice to determine how best to influence the warriors and will secretly bet on specific highlights they would like to see happening, thus having the best time ever! During the course of the game, players roll their action dice which can be used to influence the fighters. After the action selection phase, the fighters will attack each other when the combat phase is going to be resolved.

In the end, the player who had the most fun will win this game of futuristic sport!

The game ends when no more than one fighter is left in the arena!

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