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Stonemaier Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$79.89 $31.96

( You save:  $47.93)

Number of Players 1-5
Playtime 60-90 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Jamey Stegmaier
Publisher Stonemaier Games

The sequel to Scythe will send players on a new adventure into Siberia, where a massive meteorite crashed near the Tunguska River, awakening ancient corruption. An expedition led by Dr. Tarkovsky travels deep into the taiga to learn about the meteorite and its impact on the land. Itching for adventure, heroes from the war privately fund their own expeditions to Siberia, hoping to find artifacts, overcome challenges, and ultimately achieve glory.

Expeditions is a competitive, card-driven, engine-building exploration game. Play cards to gain power, guile, and unique worker abilities; move your mech to mysterious locations and obtain cards found among the tiles; use workers, items, meteorites, and quests to enhance your mech; and use power and guile to vanquish corruption.

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