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Clue: My Hero Academia

Out of stock
The Op | usaopoly
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$44.89 $17.96

( You save:  $26.93)

Number of Players 3-6
Playtime 45 Min
Suggested Ages 9+
Designer(s) N/A
Publisher The Op | usaopoly

Are you capable of becoming the best student detective? In CLUE®: My Hero Academia, Aizawa has set up a challenge for the aspiring heroes of Class 1-A: Recover a classmate who has been kidnapped by a teacher in disguise! Taking on the role of Izuku Midoriya and other top students, investigate all the well-known locations across the U.A. campus and solve WHO is posing as the culprit, WHAT piece of evidence leads to them, and WHERE they are hiding. Go beyond and solve the mystery... PLUS ULTRA!

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