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Cloudspire: Horizon's Wrath

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Chip Theory Games
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$44.89 $17.96

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Number of Players 1-4
Playtime 90-180 Min
Suggested Ages 13+
Designer(s) Josh J. Carlson, Adam Carlson, Josh Wielgus
Publisher Chip Theory Games
Base Game Cloudspire

The Horizon's Wrath is a massive airship that houses the remainder of an Ankarian race whose home island was destroyed by a biological attack. To survive, the Horizon's Wrath crew has adopted a form of aeronautic piracy, raiding other islands and stealing their Source to power their own ship.

The Horizon's Wrath faction has a number of gameplay innovations, including a mobile fortress, a morale-based upgrade system and deadly cannonballs fired from its fortress. It also includes four solo scenarios and two co-op scenarios, ensuring hours of gameplay no matter your play style.

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