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Boss Monster: Implements of Destruction

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Brotherwise Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$9.89 $3.96

( You save:  $5.93)

Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 20 Min
Suggested Ages 13+
Designer(s) Johnny O'Neal, Chris O'Neal, Christopher O'Neal
Publisher Brotherwise Games
Base Game Boss Monster, Boss Monster 2: The Next Level, Boss Monster: Rise of the Minibosses

Gloves are off and the gauntlets are on! Implements of Destruction is the first expansion for Boss Monster since Tools of Hero-Kind to feature Items, which attach to Heroes but can be claimed by Bosses. This set contains 5 new Bosses and 24 new Items. It's playable with Boss Monster or Boss Monster 2, and it comes with Explorer Items for your 5-6 player Crash Landing games!

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