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Beer & Bread

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Capstone Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$38.89 $15.56

( You save:  $23.33)

Number of Players 2
Playtime 30-45 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Scott Almes
Publisher Capstone Games

Beer & Bread is a multi-use card game for two. Its clever structure of alternating rounds adds a fascinating twist on player interaction, card drafting, and resource management.

Founded on the fruitful lands of an erstwhile monastery, two villages have held up the dual tradition of baking bread and brewing beer. While sharing fields and resources, they still find pride in their friendly rivalry of outdoing each other’s produce.

Each player represents one of these villages. Over the course of six years - which alternate between fruitful and dry - you must harmonize your duties of harvesting and storing resources, making beer and bread, selling them for coins and upgrading your facilities.

However, in order to win, you must keep the balance between your baked and liquid goods. Since, after the sixth year, you only score the coins collected from the type of good - beer or bread - for which you earned less. The village with the higher score wins the game.

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