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Anarchy Pancakes

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Exploding Kittens
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$14.89 $5.96

( You save:  $8.93)

Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 5 Min
Suggested Ages 7+
Designer(s) Eric M. Lang, Carol Mertz
Publisher Exploding Kittens

In the fast-paced matching game Anarchy Pancakes, each player begins with seven pancake cards that feature various misfit toppings, such as an earthworm, a flaming donut, and a skull wearing a party hat.

On the count of three, players will attempt to match their pancake cards' toppings to other players' toppings, forcing them to take the cards and form a "pancake stack". The first player to get rid of all of their cards and shout "Anarchy pancakes!" wins that round and gets a "slab 'o butter". The first player to get two slabs 'o butter wins.

The cards in Anarchy Pancakes resemble those in Spot it!/Dobble, and Exploding Kittens created this design in collaboration with Spot it! publisher Zygomatic Games.

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