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Seas of Thunder

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GMT Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$64.89 $25.96

( You save:  $38.93)

Number of Players 2-8
Playtime 180-3600 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Neal Cebulskie, Jeff Horger, Chuck Maher
Publisher GMT Games

World War 2 was the largest and most violent extended naval conflict in history. From September 1939 until the surrender of Japan, the high seas were a global battle zone filled with mighty battleships, nimble cruisers, silent hunters, and carriers bristling with planes. Before our eyes, we witnessed the changing of warfare on the high seas as the thunderous old guard fell to air power and submarine raiders prowled the open waters and carriers showed their true diversity and adaptability.

Seas of Thunder not only lets players re-create the Atlantic or Pacific theaters of the war but to see how challenging the entire picture was for their leaders. How do you defend a globe from German raiders? How desperate was it for Great Britain when France fell and they were left to fight Germany and Italy alone on the high seas? What is the right balance for the Soviet fleet split between all four distinct fronts (Baltic, Black Sea, Arctic, and Pacific)? If the Mediterranean force weakens for the allies, from which front do they draw ships? Does Japan strike quickly or play for attrition when they arrive at the halfway point? Will America fight in two fronts, three, or even four?

In Seas of Thunder, players experience the tension of too much sea to cover with too few ships, the frustration of being caught unprepared, or the intensity of a vital stand contesting a high-value sea area. Victory is neither sudden nor certain. In every battle, a flight of Catalinas, the lack of ASW, the improper distribution of air power, or even a missing minesweeper could be the difference between success or failure.

What's inside:

  • Seas of Thunder may not have every ship in the conflict, but it contains the ones you know.
  • 1 Mounted Map (Double-Sided with pre-Pearl Harbor scoring on one side and post-Pearl Harbor scoring on the other side)
  • 1200+ Combat Ship counters (Capital ships down to Destroyer Squadrons, Submarine Groups, and Mine-sweeping Flotillas)
  • 132 Convoy & Utility counters
  • 14 Port Cards (1 per side for each of 7 scenarios)
  • Combat Sequence Cards for tracking combat
  • Plus sundry dice, rules, scenario details...the usual.

Seas of Thunder is every bit a full-force strategic-level representation of conflict on the high seas during World War 2. Players will have to manage a global disposition of their warships with frequently too much ocean to cover and not nearly enough ships to cover it.

Each nation has access to historical ships that sailed in the conflict. Each country's fleets also have advantages and disadvantages that are unique to them.

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