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Prime Minister

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GMT Games
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$76.89 $30.76

( You save:  $46.13)

Number of Players 1-4
Playtime 60-180 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Paul Hellyer
Publisher GMT Games

In 1837, Queen Victoria started her long reign over the United Kingdom, a country split between Liberals and Conservatives. Liberals strive for social progress, including repeal of the Corn Laws to help feed the working classes, expansion of the electorate to form a real democracy, and Home Rule for Ireland. Conservatives prefer to slow the pace of change, while advancing their own agenda to maintain order, protect traditional values, and secure the Empire. Her Majesty occasionally interferes in politics, but it is the Prime Minister who really governs the country and sets the political agenda. Ten Prime Ministers served during Victoria’s reign, with varying degrees of success. Now it is your turn to experience Victorian political life, taking on the role of a historical politician. Will you make your mark as a Backbencher? Stir up some trouble as a wily Opposition Leader? Or govern the world’s greatest empire as Prime Minister successfully?

In Prime Minister, up to 4 players vie for political power and prestige by campaigning for public support, selecting and debating bills, pursuing official appointments, recruiting influential Victorians as supporters, garnering favor with the Queen, and, when the time is right, challenging other players for their leadership roles. Gameplay is partly cooperative with shifting alliances, but only one player can win by holding the Prime Minister’s seat when the game is over.

In addition to the standard multiplayer game, Prime Minister comes with a dozen scenarios of varying length and a “Clockwork" system featuring automated opponents for solitaire play.

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