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Border Reivers: Anglo-Scottish Border Raids, 1513-1603

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GMT Games
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$84.89 $33.96

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Number of Players 1-6
Playtime 120-180 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Ed Beach
Publisher GMT Games

For two centuries, war waged back and forth across the border between England and Scotland. By 1482, the unfortunate town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, once the richest port town in Scotland, had changed hands over a dozen times. By the time Henry VIII came to the throne of England in 1509, the fifty-mile-wide stretch of rolling hills and stunning vistas that straddle the border had seen decades of hardship and atrocity.

Yet still the hardy families residing on these frontier lands persevered. Unable to depend on crops surviving until the harvest, they subsisted primarily on the livestock they could shepherd in the fields near their homesteads. When supplies ran low, raiding to take what they needed from their neighbors was often the answer. Raids were often carefully planned operations with several border families coming together to steal livestock from a common foe in the dead of night. Cattle and sheep were the likely targets, often with hundreds of these creatures being taken in a single raid. The reiver’s goal was to herd their quarry to safety before retaliatory “hot trod” pursuits could catch up and force an engagement.

To battle this constant hostility, England and Scotland established the system of March Law. Each nation split its border lands into an East, Middle, and West March with each of these six territories administered by a Warden responsible for keeping the peace. The Wardens were drawn from the most powerful families along the Borders, clans of great renown that could put upwards of a thousand men in the saddle in times of need. The March Law would have succeeded too, but for the fact that these same great families were often the ones best equipped and most inclined to raid their neighbors.

In Border Reivers, playesr rule over one of the Marches as leader of one of the six major riding families of the border: Grey, Fenwick, Dacre, Maxwell, Kerr, or Hume. Your objective is to increase the wealth and fame of your clan throughout the reigns of Henry and Elizabeth to end the century as the most famous Border Reiver of all time. Players will gain VPs from successful combats, amassing large herds of livestock, and by elevating their Notoriety above the other players in the regions of the map.

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