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Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate

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Greater Than Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$66.89 $26.76

( You save:  $40.13)

Number of Players 1-6
Playtime -
Suggested Ages -
Designer(s) R. Eric Reuss
Publisher Greater Than Games
Base Game Spirit Island

Since time untold, the Spirits have existed on the Island. There are Spirits whose names are known by the local Dahan people — Spirits of fire and growth, of strength and river. But these are not the only Spirits… Legends whispered on the rarest of days also tell stories of Spirits from the deepest, furthest reaches of the land. Powerful forces of nature that have not been seen in ages.

When white-sailed ships reach our coastal waters, when would-be colonizers step foot onto the unblighted shores, when they raise blade and plow to take the land with greed and hunger, nature stirs. When Invaders strike out at the heart of the Island, they draw the attention of Spirits of lengend and myth and face power unimaginable.

This time, theywill learn to fear Nature Incarnate.

Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate adds eight new Spirits, twenty new aspects, and so much more.

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