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Rick and Morty: Total Rickall Card Game

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$14.89 $5.96

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Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 30 Min
Suggested Ages 15+
Designer(s) Matt Hyra
Publisher Cryptozoic Entertainment

Rick and Morty: Total Rickall Card Game is inspired by the Rick and Morty episode of the same name. If you have not seen it, don't worry. You can still play this wild and wacky game and have plenty of fun — but you really should watch it at some point. Seriously. Don't be a Jerry.

Rick has locked the whole family inside their house. Why? Because the family has changed. Parasites masquerading as family and close friends have infiltrated and have inserted pleasant memories into everyone's minds to make them think they are real — and more keep coming! You must figure out which of these new, zany characters are real and which ones are parasites that must be exterminated. Think you have got what it takes to save the world?

The game contains a basic fully cooperative mode and an advanced mode, where there are two teams.

In the advanced mode, players will be dealt a role as either Real or a Parasite. The Parasite players must attempt to keep at least one parasite alive in the end (keeping yourself alive is the easiest way to do this). The Real players must root out the Parasites to win the game.

Now you may shoot the other players! But if you accidentally shoot a Real player, there will be consequences...

There are no player eliminations, however. A player's secret identity could change, though.

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