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Arcane Wonders
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$51.89 $20.76

( You save:  $31.13)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 30-60 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Orlando Sá, André Santos
Publisher Arcane Wonders

In Neotopia, a competitive fast paced tile placement pattern building game, you're part of a team of Visionaries who are building a futuristic pilot city focused on the fields of Energy, Technology, Community and Sustainable food.

You'll be building elements on the three regions of the city in order to complete feature cards that you have in hand. A good combination of tile placement and card management can result in very impactful turns, where several cards are completed and the city grows. Interaction between players is important, since all players are building on the same board and can take advantage of what other players have built on their previous turns.

You'll try to build the most harmonious city possible, because that will be vital for your score: in the end of the game you'll score normally the regions where you have your two highest scores but you will triple the score of your lowest scoring region. So be aware! Even if it is tempting to build on regions that are more developed and where you have already scored a lot points, if you do not start working on the development of the other regions you will not be able to win the game. Balance is the key point on Neotopia, just like the type of future that the players are attempting to build.

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