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Long Live the King: A Game of Secrecy and Subterfuge

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$24.89 $9.96

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Number of Players 4-8
Playtime 15-45 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) N/A
Publisher Self-Published

Long Live the King is a strategic card game with Secret Identities, Murder, and Deception. The theme of the game revolves around the balance of Power in the Middle Ages.

In each game two of the players will be either the King or the Assassin, while the rest of the players' roles are randomized. The Assassin is attempting get enough Might (A card suit) to kill the King, while the King is looking to Accumulate Power(A Card Suit) to maintain control of their Kingdom. Everyone has their own unique victory condition and some roles even have a role specific special operation.

During the game you will be accumulating resources to achieve your win condition while trying to keep your role secret. You will sabotage others, make trades, steal their cards and ally with players. It's a simple game at it's core that is has an incredible level of layers that you will uncover the more you play the game.

The design of this game has been inspired by other great secret identity games like Secret Hitler and Coup. The developers wanted to create a game we could play regularly that inspired table talk, had many layers of game-play, and left you with those memorable win moments. It is fast paced in nature and as a result of rotating roles, no game is ever the same.

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