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Last Aurora

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Ares Games
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$49.89 $19.96

( You save:  $29.93)

Number of Players 1-4
Playtime 60-90 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Mauro Chiabotto
Publisher Ares Games

The radioactive fallout of the Last War has frozen the northern countries. In the ice desert, the last few survivors live in an icy hell as the resources of the "old world" are now exhausted, and travel to the south is too long and dangerous. But a radio message is rekindling hope: The last icebreaker ship, the Aurora, is cruising along the coast, searching for survivors. The winter is coming, and in a few days, those who are unable to get on board will be doomed by the ice. It will be a race against time to arrive at the ship or surrender to despair: there's still the light of hope on the horizon, a light to grab before it is too late...

'Last Aurora' is a post-apocalyptic game for up to 4 players set in a frozen, desolate land. Every player has to manage their crew to gather resources, recruit survivors, improve their vehicle, and fight their enemies as they race to reach the ship before it's too late!

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