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Favor of the Pharoah

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Bezier Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$56.89 $22.76

( You save:  $34.13)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 45 Min
Suggested Ages 13+
Designer(s) Thomas Lehmann
Publisher Bézier Games

In ancient Egypt, even a lowly peasant could seek an audience with the Pharaoh, and in Favor of the Pharaoh 2–4 players compete for the Pharaoh's favor by working their way up through Egyptian society, gathering influence (represented by dice and powers) to gain entry to the next level of society. Once any player gets the Queen's influence, a final contest occurs for the Pharaoh's favor.

Favor of the Pharaoh tasks players with making a dice-rolling engine—not to mention adding and manipulating dice—in preparation for a final roll-off between all players to gain the Pharaoh's favor and win the game.

Favor of the Pharaoh comes with more than one hundred tiles, over twenty standard and custom dice, dozens of bonus tokens, level bars, locking pyramids, and more. With so many combinations of level bars and tiles, no two games are ever set up the same!

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