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Cryptozoology for Beginners

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$19.89 $7.96

( You save:  $11.93)

Number of Players 2-4
Playtime 20-45 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Cory Jones, Ben Stoll, Mataio Wilson
Publisher Cryptozoic Entertainment

Hop aboard the bus on a field trip to the legendary Hidden Valley of the Cryptids, where adventure awaits you! Will you capture the best photographs of mythical creatures to complete the most daring class assignments, or will you be laughed off the trip?

Each round, you will draft and play Cryptid cards with unnatural powers to warp the game and bring you closer to victory. Gather matching cards to complete assignments and earn points towards your ultimate goal – becoming a full-fledged supernatural photographer!

Every round has the following steps:

1. Pick Assignments

Deal every player 2 Assignments facedown. Each player looks at their Assignments, then picks 1 to place faceup in front of themselves as their Private Assignment and 1 to place faceup in the Public Assignments area in the center of the play area.

2. Draft Cryptids

Deal players 8 Cryptid cards each facedown. Each player looks at their hand, picks 1 card, and places it in a facedown stack in front of themselves.

Each player then passes their remaining 7 cards to the player sitting on their left. Each player again picks 1 card and adds it to their facedown stack, then passes their remaining hand to the left. Players will continue picking and passing until each player has a stack of 8 cards in front of themselves. (Note that every player must add the last card that is passed to them to their stack.)

3. Player Turns

Once the draft is finished, each player takes all cards in their facedown stack into their hand. Players will then take turns revealing and activating cards, starting with the player who has the Bus standee and going clockwise around the table.

On your turn, take the these steps in order:

3.1. Reveal Card: PIck 1 card from your hand and place it faceup in front of yourself.

3.2. Activate Abilities : You can use abilities on your faceup

Cryptid cards. To use an ability, you must activate the card (turn it sideways) along with the required number of cards of the same type (see “Activating Cryptid Cards,” next page).

3.3. Finish Assignments: If your faceup cards meet the requirements to finish a Public Assignment, claim the card from the center of the play area, place it in front of yourself, and turn it sideways to show it’s completed. If you complete your Private Assignment, simply turn it sideways to show it’s completed.

4. End of Round

The round is finished once no one has any cards left in their hand.

Gather all Cryptid cards in front of all players (both activated and unactivated) and put them in a discard pile next to the deck. (If a player completed an Assignment that lets them keep a card, they can keep it instead of discarding it.)

Each player keeps their completed Assignments, as well as their Private Assignment if it was not completed. All uncompleted Public Assignments are left in the middle of the table for players to complete the following round.

Pass the Bus to the player with the least points from completed Assignments (not counting hidden Reward tokens), or the fewest Reward tokens in the case of a tie.

Start the next round by dealing each player 2 new Assignments from the deck.


The game is over after 3 rounds.

Players will reveal their Reward tokens and total up the points on their Rewards and completed Assignments. (Incomplete Assignments are worth no points.)

The player with the most points is the winner of the game!

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