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$27.89 $11.16

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Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 20-30 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Richard MacRae, Corey Myckan
Publisher Self-Published

Centrix is a fun, friendly and family oriented multi-level three dimensional game. Use Card combinations to rotate the rings of the game board and move your play pieces to the top. Skillfully unlock the best path up the ever-changing game board. Use strategy and tactics to jump over as many play pieces as you can, and stop other players from getting to the top first by bumping them down.

Spin, Climb, Jump, Bump; Be First one to the Top


  • Game Board – Six multi-colored rotatable rings, with 12 colored squares each and a black, stationary top level;
  • 18 Pawns – Three of each in six different colors – red, orange, yellow, green, blue and white;
  • Deck of Cards – 42 playing cards, as follows:
  • 36 cards in six different colors and numbered 1, 2 or 3,
  • Three ‘any-color’ wild-cards, and
  • Three ‘unlimited-spin and any-color’ wild-cards.


Move all three pawns up the six rings and place them all onto the top stationary 7th level. First to do this wins. Second, third and fourth place winners follow continuing the game until the final pawn reaches the top level.


  • Pawns always move by one, up down or sideways; never diagonally;
  • Two pawns cannot sit in the same color square


  • A pawn can jump over or ‘leapfrog’ any other pawn;
  • The number of pawns in a row that players can leapfrog is unlimited, provided that the color card played is the same color as the square that the pawn lands on; and
  • Jumping can begin from the first move onto the board and even onto the top 7th level.


  • If the square above, adjacent or below is occupied, then you may bump that pawn directly down two levels, by playing the color card of that square and moving your pawn to the occupied square;
  • If another pawn occupies the space that your opponent’s pawn dropped down to, then that pawn also drops down two levels and so on (even if they happen to be your own pawns);
  • You may not leapfrog up to bump an opponent’s pawn down two levels; and
  • Bumping is only possible by moving up one level, sideways or even down, if you decide to do so.


There are three kinds of cards in the deck:

1. Numbered color cards are the main cards used for playing the game.


  • The number on a card is the number of squares that you can rotate a ring, 1, 2 or 3 either clockwise or counter-clockwise, as displayed on the cards;
  • You may only rotate the ring level that your pawn is on; and
  • Rotating is optional, you can play the card as a color only card, but if you decide to rotate, then move the ring the same number of squares as the number shown on the card and always rotate the ring before playing the color.


  • The color on the card is the only square color that you may move a pawn to, when played;
  • If after rotating a ring, the square color above where the pawn arrives is the same as the color of the card, then you may climb up to that square, bump another pawn or leapfrog to a higher square of that same color, in a combination move. If not, then play a second color card if you have a color match.
2. Any-color wild-cards, allows you to move one pawn up, down or to an adjacent square from where your pawn is positioned, regardless of the color of that square:
  • The card will also allow your pawn to climb, jump and bump, as explained in Pawn Movement above and to move up to the final 7th level;
  • This card will not allow you to rotate any rings.
3. Unlimited-spin, any-color wild-cards, allow you to rotate one ring (optional) any number of squares clockwise or counter-clockwise, provided that you have a pawn on that ring:
  • The card is subsequently also played as an any-color card, as mentioned above.


  • Youngest player starts the game;
  • Play one card per pawn move, beginning off the board;
  • The square color on which you put your pawn must match the card color (wild-cards are any color);
  • Play all three of your cards in your hand if you can;
  • You are unable to bump another player off the bottom first level; and
  • After you have played as many of the three cards as you can play, your turn is over, you draw new cards for a total of three cards in your hand and the next player takes a turn.


  • From the 6th ring level, play any numbered card that matches the color of your pawns or any of the wild-cards to move up to the 7th safe level at the middle of the game board;
  • You may leapfrog over other pawns to make this move;
  • Your pawns cannot be bumped, once they reach the top level; and
  • When all three pawns are at the top, you have finished and if first to get there, you win.
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