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Castle Panic: Crowns and Quests

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Fireside Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$30.89 $12.36

( You save:  $18.53)

Number of Players 1-6
Playtime 60 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Justin De Witt
Publisher Fireside Games
Base Game Castle Panic (First Edition)

Castle Panic: Crowns and Quests Deluxe is an upgraded version of the brand new 5th expansion for Castle Panic. Available in a special, limited edition that comes with plastic components and more!

Part of the Castle Panic Deluxe Collection Kickstarter, Crowns and Quests Deluxe will introduce new Characters and Quests to the world of Castle Panic. Players can pick from a variety of playable Characters, each with their own game-changing power that can be used on that players turn. They will use these powers to attempt a series of quests that must be finished before the castle is destroyed. Quests could include collecting magical items from spaces on the board, destroying a cursed temple, or teleporting the entire Castle to safety and more. All while fending off the Monster army.

Take on a whole new role and rise to the challenge of Crowns and Quests!

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