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Harry Potter: Catch the Snitch - National Quidditch Team

Out of stock
Knight Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$31.89 $8.98

( You save:  $22.91)

Number of Players 2
Playtime 40-60 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Gonzo Bríos, Jose M. Caballero Delso, Sergio García Vicente
Publisher Knight Games

Harry Potter: Catch the Snitch is a card-driven game where players use cards to choose actions each round and cards for their Quidditch players. Players will use dice to resolve actions such as shooting at the goal or stealing the Quaffle.

This expansion lets players to play the World Cup Expansion without using characters from any of the four houses of Hogwarts.

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