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Van Ryder Games
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$38.99 $15.60

( You save:  $23.39)

Number of Players 3-8
Playtime 15-30 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) A.J. Porfirio
Publisher Van Ryder Games

In Keepers players take a turn as Curator, choosing one (can’t be a noun!) word to describe a card in their hand and announcing it. All players, including the Curator, then play a card that they think aligns the most, or the least, with that word, they are shuffled and placed face up to a numbered slot in middle of the table. All players will then vote and the cards that get the most votes either way is a “Keeper” and earns the owner one point! Through clever word use by giving great clues one Curator will rise to the top and take the most Keepers!

All artwork in Keepers has been hand picked from Byron Jorjorian’s portfolio of over 600,000 images of the natural world.

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