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The Pursuit of Happiness: Nostalgia

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Artipia Games
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$33.89 $13.56

( You save:  $20.33)

Number of Players 1-4
Playtime 60-90 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Adrian Abela, David Chircop, Theo K. Mavraganis
Publisher Artipia Games
Base Game The Pursuit of Happiness

From time to time, everyone seeks refuge in fond memories from our past; reminiscing about warm, cozy places where we once felt safe, blissful moments when everything seemed possible, significant others that made us feel important, made us feel loved... All these nostalgic reflections can trigger a bittersweet, fuzzy emotion that gives a different perspective to our never-ending pursuit of happiness..!

The Pursuit of Happiness: Nostalgia expansion adds the concept of reminiscences; fond childhood memories, unfulfilled desires, dreams and aspirations of the past that players long to revive and pursue... The Nostalgia deck contains double-sided cards that, once their requirements are met, unlock unique card types and game-play options to the players. Dealt from the very start of the game, these cards will drive players' game choices as they genuinely promote planning ahead. Is it ever really too late to chase your deepest dreams and desires? The expansion also enriches existing card types (Activities, Projects, Items, Jobs, Partners, Life Goals and Child Traits) in order to guarantee a true “blast from the past” experience!

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