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Sagrada (Minor Damage)

Out of stock
Floodgate Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$44.89 $17.96

( You save:  $26.93)

PLEASE NOTE: This product has been discounted due to minor damage to the box. Our Dents & Dings products are not ideal for the collector looking for a mint copy of a game, but for those that are less concerned about the box appearance. All damage is superficial and has not impacted the game components in any way. All Dents & Dings products are final sale and are not eligible for return.

Number of Players 1-4
Playtime 30-45 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Adrian Adamescu, Daryl Andrews
Publisher Floodgate Games

Draft dice & use the tools-of-the-trade to strategically construct your stained glass window masterpiece.

Each player will create a stained glass window by building up a grid of dice on their player board. Each board has some restrictions on where color or shade (value) of die can be placed. Dice of the same shade or color can not be placed next to each other.

Dice are drafted in player order, with the first player rotating each round, turning back around after the last player drafts 2 dice.

Special cards can be used to help you break the rules by spending skill tokens -- however, once a card is used, it then requires more skill tokens for the next player to use it.

Scoring is variable per game is based on accomplishing various patterns and varieties of placement... as well as bonus points for dark shades of a particular hidden goal color.

The highest scoring window artisan wins!

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