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The Pursuit of Happiness: Community

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Artipia Games
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$33.89 $20.33

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Number of Players 1-5
Playtime 60-90 Min
Suggested Ages 12+
Designer(s) Adrian Abela, Vangelis Bagiartakis, David Chircop
Publisher Artipia Games
Base Game The Pursuit of Happiness

It's said no man is an island. We live inside communities where we get to interact with other people, engage in multiple activities, have new experiences and be part of something bigger. The people around us shape who we are and simularily, we shape their lives through our behavior. The actions we take, lets us become more popular, or slide us into obscurity. How will those around us influence us in The Pursuit Of Happiness: Community?

The Pursuit of Happiness: Community is an expansion for the thematic eurogame, The Pursuit Of Happiness. It brings the concept of the local community. A new type of card, Community cards, lets you engage in various community events and pick their outcome, with a new board included to place the new cards and keep track of your Popularity score. More Projects, Items, Activities, Jobs, Partners, Life Goals and Child Traits are also incorporated to enhance your game experience.

The Pursuit of Happiness: Community also has materials for a 5th player to join your games!


  • 1 Game Board
  • 90 Cards
  • 18 Wooden Cubes
  • 9 Wooden Hourglass Markers
  • 5 Wooden Meeples
  • 1 Rulebook
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