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Pegasus Spiele
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$16.89 $6.76

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Number of Players 2
Playtime 10-20 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) team SAIEN
Publisher Pegasus Spiele

Elements, a.k.a. Khmer, is a bluffing and deduction game for two players that contains only sixteen cards, with each player attempting to figure out the best time to end the round so that they can win. The aim of each round is to have a hand of cards with a higher sum than the opponent, but equal to or less than the sum played to the table.

To start a round, deal six cards face down to each player, then remove the remaining four cards, unseen, from the game. On your turn, you will take one of these five actions:

1: PLAY a card from your hand to the table, overlapping any cards previously played and announcing the total of all revealed cards.

2: DRAW the most recently played card from the table and put it in front of you; this card counts as being in your hand, thereby increasing the sum of your hand and lowering the sum on the table, but you cannot discard or play this card.

3: DISCARD a 6 card from your hand, putting it to the side out of play for this round.

4: KNOCK to end the round and see who wins; you can do this only if the sum of cards in your hand is equal to or less than the sum on the table. The players will then compare sums, and whoever has the highest sum (without going over the sum of cards on the table) wins 2 points; if the players are tied, the player who knocked loses.

5: FOLD to end the round because you think that you will lose; the opponent gets 1 point.

Shuffle all the cards, and redeal; the player who scored in the round begins the next round, and the first player to collect 6 points wins. Alternatively, players can also play only a single round to determine the winner, ignoring the FOLD action since that's a sure loser...

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