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Suspects: Claire Harper, Eternal Investigator

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Studio H
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$34.89 $13.96

( You save:  $20.93)

Number of Players 1-6
Playtime 60-90 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Guillaume Montiage
Publisher Studio H

In this second chapter of the Suspects line, players will embody detective Claire Harper at different stages in her life: from her school days, to tranquil Swiss lakes, as well as the first post-war Olympic Games!

Claire Harper was born in 1910. She's an avid reader of Agatha Christie, a world traveller, and more British than 5 o’clock tea. Oxford University admitted her right after implementing quotas for female students in 1927. She followed in her father’s footsteps and graduated with the key to unlocking her all dreams: a degree in criminal law. Now Claire Harper investigates, observes, discovers, and thwarts. There is no mystery that is too twisted for her brilliant mind, no case that’s too hard for her to crack. Claire Harper is not just a detective. She is the very best.

In every chapter of Suspects, you will read Clue cards to progress through the plot like a book, discuss and reason amongst yourselves, and form hypotheses. Your aim is to score the most points when you answer the questions about the case. The "faster" you answer (i.e. having drawn and read as few Clue cards as possible), the more points you score.

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