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Chronicles of Avel: New Adventures

Out of stock
Rebel Studio
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$39.89 $15.96

( You save:  $23.93)

Number of Players 1-4
Playtime 60-90 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Przemek Wojtkowiak
Publisher Rebel Studio
Base Game Chronicles of Avel

Chronicles of Avel: New Adventures is an exciting huge expansion for Chronicles of Avel, in which players will once more become heroes and heroines with an epic quest to help the magical land of Avel. The game adds 3 thematic scenarios which can be played separately or as a campaign and 3 modules that can be used in different combinations to create personalized challenges. Players will have to cooperate to pick the best strategy, support each other and win.

In Chronicles of Avel: New Adventures players continue exploring the world of Avel, using modular board created from hexagonal tiles. New place tiles, equipment, monsters and a brand new Beast will give opportunity to tell new stories in a much more immersive way. This expansion is an answer to requests made by players - containing all necessities to make Chronicles of Avel even better than before!

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