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Stack'n Stuff: A Patchwork Game

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Lookout Games
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$28.89 $11.56

( You save:  $17.33)

Number of Players 2
Playtime 20-30 Min
Suggested Ages 6+
Designer(s) Uwe Rosenberg, Marianne Waage
Publisher Lookout Games

In Stack'n Stuff, a more streamlined version of the hit game Patchwork, players are on the move. However, packing all of your stuff into a moving truck is very tricky, costly, and time consuming — and the day runs out fast!

During the game, the last player on the time track picks one of the next three furniture items. After paying the transportation cost and spending the loading time, the player put the patch on their truck game board. The player who packs their truck best, as well as earns the most money during the game, is a moving master and wins!

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