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Stronghold Games
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$39.89 $15.96

( You save:  $23.93)

Number of Players 1-4
Playtime 30 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Julio E. Nazario
Publisher Stronghold Games

Competition is difficult in the world of sweets. You will need to plant your fields strategically with cacao, coffee, peanuts, and vanilla, then use those beans efficiently to make the best confectionaries around! Using every resource is necessary to beat out the competition.

In Dulce, every player has their own deck with beans on one side of each card and a factory on the other, as well as their own field in which to plant. Each round, one player draws a card and the others search their deck for the same card, then everyone chooses their action simultaneously: plant, harvest, or build a new factory. Planting gains you new cacao, peanut, coffee and vanilla resources, and harvesting allows you to use those resources in your factories.

Each confectionary made in your factories gets you one point, and at the end of twenty rounds, the player with the most points wins!

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