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Space Cowboys
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$23.89 $9.56

( You save:  $14.33)

Number of Players 3-6
Playtime 15-45 Min
Suggested Ages 10+
Designer(s) Hervé Marly
Publisher Space Cowboys

An ancient game of ornate skulls and deceptive flowers, Skull is simple to learn, but alarmingly difficult to win. If you want to beat your opponents, you must bluff, lie and pierce the deceptions that surround the flowers. Be wary, though—if you reveal a skull, the consequences are severe! Every turn, you may either add another disc to your pile or bet how many flowers you can reveal without revealing a skull. If your bet is successful, you gain a point, and two points wins the game! But you can be sure your competition won't just let that happen. Keep your cards to the very end to win this game of deception and perception.

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