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Rio Grande Games
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$14.89 $5.96

( You save:  $8.93)

Number of Players 2-5
Playtime 30 Min
Suggested Ages 8+
Designer(s) Michael Schacht
Publisher Rio Grande Games

Game play in Coloretto is easy: Either takea card to play to a row, or take a row of cards to add them to your collection. A row can only have three cards at most, so at some point everyone is forced to take a row. Once all the rows have been claimed, players will start a new round, drawing or taking once again.

What are you attempting to do with these cards? Collect huge sets - but only in three colors as each color beyond the third will cost you points. Jokers are highly-prized as they will always match what you want, and +2 cards provide sure points, giving you a back-up plan if everything goes south in terms of the colors you're collecting.

Once only a few cards are left in the deck, the round ends and everyone tallies their score, choosing three colors of cards to score positively while any other colors count against you. Every color is scored using a triangular number system: the first card in a color is ±1 point, the second card is ±2 points, and so on. The player with the high score wins the game!

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