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1930: The Golden Age of Airlines

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Rio Grande Games
Store Closing Sale! Save 60% or more sitewide while supplies last!
$64.89 $25.96

( You save:  $38.93)

Number of Players 2-6
Playtime 40-120 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Alex Sorbello
Publisher Rio Grande Games

1930 is a game that takes place in the early stages of aviation. The players will take on the roles of aviation investors, promoters, and presidents with the general objective of making money. A player's wealth is gained mainly through owning stock tokens in the ten airlines included in the game. Stock tokens generate money in two ways; they can provide ready cash via dividend payments paid during the income action, and they can increase in value over the course of the game.

The player with the most assets in cash and stock at the end of the game is the winner.

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