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KeyForge: Mass Mutation – Archon Deck

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$11.99 $4.80

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Number of Players 2
Playtime 15-45 Min
Suggested Ages 14+
Designer(s) Richard Garfield
Publisher Fantasy Flight Games
Base Game KeyForge: Mass Mutation

Change has arrived to the Crucible with the Mass Mutation set for the world’s only Unique Deck Game, KeyForge. Over 200 brand-new cards now added to the cardpool in the game’s fourth set, and the mutative power of the dark æmber has changed many of them, making strange and unknown versions of once-familiar creatures. As gigantic creatures stretching across 2 cards lumber their way into battle, and House Sanctum makes its victorious return, there has never been a more important time to leap into the fast-paced duels of KeyForge.

Each Mass Mutation Archon Deck has a single, ready-to-play 36-card deck, bringing together 3 of the diverse Houses of the Crucible into a single deck—featuring its own mix of cards and different from every other Archon Deck in existence.

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